Lakeshore Horizon
Horizon with Yellow Hue III
Horizon with Blue #2
Window Seat
All We Have is Now
Island Beach
Colorful Acrylic Landscape Painting
Abstract Painting of Gently Sloping Hills
Gently Sloping Hills
Horizon With Green #5
Horizon with Frilled Cloud
Did I Give You That Look Again?
Sunset II
Lakeshore Horizon
Lakeshore Horizon

Abstract Landscape Art, 24x32 inches, acrylic and mixed media painting on canvas, available

Horizon with Yellow Hue III
Horizon with Yellow Hue III

36x60 inches, acrylic and mixed media on canvas, available

Horizon with Blue #2
Horizon with Blue #2

acrylic and pumice on canvas, 48 x 48 inches, sold

Window Seat
Window Seat

48 x 48 inches, acrylic and pumice on canvas, available

All We Have is Now
All We Have is Now

acrylic and pumice on canvas, 36 x 60 inches, sold

Island Beach
Island Beach

acrylic and pumice on canvas, 36 x 48 inches, sold

Colorful Acrylic Landscape Painting
Colorful Acrylic Landscape Painting

Sunset Acrylic Landscape Painting, sold

Abstract Painting of Gently Sloping Hills
Abstract Painting of Gently Sloping Hills

36x60 inch acrylic and pumice powder on canvas, sold

Gently Sloping Hills
Gently Sloping Hills

36x60 inches, acrylic and pumice powder on canvas, sold

Horizon With Green #5
Horizon With Green #5

acrylic and pumice on canvas, 24 x 30 inches, pending

Horizon with Frilled Cloud
Horizon with Frilled Cloud

acrylic and pumice on canvas, 24 x 24 inches, available

Did I Give You That Look Again?
Did I Give You That Look Again?

acrylic and pumice on canvas, 30 x 30 inches, sold

Sunset II
Sunset II

acrylic and pumice on canvas, 30 x 30 inches, sold